Max Tan

Get to know Max Tan
Hometown: East Lyme, CT
First year with Sarasota Orchestra: 2017
Instrument: Max was previously loaned the 1692 "Avery Fisher" Stradivarius from The Juilliard School and will soon be loaned a 1701 Stradivarius from The Juilliard School.
Education: Pre-College Diploma, Master of Music, Artist Diploma, and Doctor of Musical Arts (in progress) – The Juilliard School; Bachelor of Arts in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Secondary Degree in Music Violin – Harvard University
Career Highlights: Mr. Tan's 2019 summer season included chamber music performances at Sunset ChamberFest (Los Angeles), Music@Menlo, Universal Artists Festival (Boston), and additional concerts in Finland and Taiwan. Highlights of the 2019-2020 season include recital debuts and arts outreach in China (Shanghai, Tianjin) as well as additional chamber music projects focusing on a study of the Brahms literature and French music of Faure, Saint-Saens, and Chausson (Sarasota and New York City). Mr. Tan will also appear at his alma mater to solo with the Harvard Bach Society Orchestra (Boston).
Highlights of Mr. Tan's 2018-2019 season included multiple performances of the Elgar Violin Sonata which celebrated its centennial with the end of World War I. Mr. Tan was featured on WNYC/WQXR in recital and chamber music performances and gave recitals at the Harvard Musical Association and at Flagey in Brussels, Belgium at the Queen Elisabeth International Competition where he soloed with the Orchestre Royal de Chamber de Wallonie.
Passions and Interests: Outside of music, Max enjoys cooking, eating, reading about history and politics, and walks in nature.