2024-2025 Audition Dates
Upcoming audition dates can be found below. All try-outs are held in the Beatrice Friedman Symphony Center, 709 North Tamiami Trail in Sarasota. The Sarasota Orchestra Education Department will notify you of your appointment time at least one week before your audition date. Placement will be mailed to you, please do not call the department for the results.
For new students only:
August 24, 2024, 9:00am - 4:00pm
We are accepting applications for the following instruments.
Chamber Strings - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Divertimento Strings - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Camerata Strings - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Intermezzo Strings - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Symphonic Strings - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Symphonic Winds - Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussions
Youth Symphony - Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
Youth Philharmonic - Horn, Violin, Viola, Bass
Please contact the Education Department for more information and to arrange an audition 941-487-2732.
Helpful Audition Hints
The following tips are meant to help students have a positive Youth Orchestra audition:
If you study privately, ask your teacher for help with your audition materials and orchestra music.
Listen to recordings to help learn excerpts and how they fit into the rest of the piece. More than 18,000 recordings are available at the Sarasota Orchestra music archives in the Selby Library, or you can purchase recordings from online music sources or local music stores.
Perform before various people such as friends and family prior to your audition.
Remember that the audition committee will be listening for the correct notes and rhythms, intonation, tone quality, articulation, expression, musical style and consistency among other things. Pay close attention to detail. Music is a lifelong learning experience, perfection takes a lot of work and time.
Try to relax before your audition. Focusing on your breath is a technique that helps some people calm their nerves. Another technique is to find a quiet place and imagine yourself playing your audition materials with confidence. Nerves are natural, but remember the purpose of an audition is to show what you already know.
The person who is well prepared has the greatest chance of performing well!
Audition Requirements by Instrument
Violin Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Chamber Strings
Divertimento Strings
Camerata Strings
Intermezzo Strings
Symphonic Strings
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Viola Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Chamber Strings
Divertimento Strings
Camerata Strings
Intermezzo Strings
Symphonic Strings
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Cello Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Chamber Strings
Divertimento Strings
Camerata Strings
Intermezzo Strings
Symphonic Strings
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Bass Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Chamber Strings
Divertimento Strings
Camerata Strings
Intermezzo Strings
Symphonic Strings
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Harp Audition Requirements
Please note: Harp will only be used a dictated by the music selected for each concert. A rehearsal schedule will be provided at the beginning of the season.
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the information listed above should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Flute/Piccolo Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
All PICCOLO students will be asked to perform the FLUTE audition materials as well as the following:
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Oboe Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Clarinet Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Bass Clarinet Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Bassoon Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Saxophone Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Trumpet Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Trombone Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Horn Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Baritone/Euphonium Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Tuba Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
Symphonic Winds
Youth Symphony
Youth Philharmonic
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Percussion Audition Requirements
You must be prepared to play all of the specified requirements when auditioning. Please understand that the audition committee may choose to omit some items during the actual audition.
For a description of the ensembles click here
ALL percussionists are encouraged to perform all excerpts (snare, xylophone and timpani) for Symphonic Winds, Youth Symphony or Youth Philharmonic. Skill level on these excerpts will determine your placement. (Specialization in an instrument of the percussion family is not recommended to attain the full experience.)
Any questions pertaining to the auditions should be directed to the Education Office of the Sarasota Orchestra.
Any student who plays an orchestral instrument and is in the third grade or higher may audition for placement in the Sarasota Youth Orchestra Program.
All Youth Orchestra participants are required to play in their school's orchestra or band, in addition to this ensemble. All participants must audition each year.
Those interested in participating in any of the youth ensembles, must submit a Youth Orchestra application. If you are interested in financial assistance for either orchestra tuition or with private lessons, please fill out and submit the scholarship application.

Apply Today!
The Youth Orchestra program has taught thousands of young people to become better musicians. Many become performers with the Sarasota Orchestra or major symphony orchestras throughout the country.
Eight different orchestras rehearse weekly from September through April. Students progress through the program from string ensembles up to full orchestras. Auditions are held every year.
Each participant in the Youth Orchestra program pays $330 tuition. This is in addition to the $25 application fee and is due upon invoice. The $330 tuition is only a fraction of the actual cost to Sarasota Orchestra per student. We are grateful to the Sarasota Orchestra Friends and the generosity of donors and granting organizations that help keep the costs to students reasonable.
Recruitment Incentive
Do you know a student that would enjoy being a part of our program? Help us spread the word and receive $25 off your tuition for each new student. Example: Talk with 4 new students that meet the requirements below and receive $100 off your tuition.
The Sarasota Orchestra is fortunate to be able to offer several types of scholarships. Through the generosity of many donors and numerous foundations, we are able to off-set tuition expenses. We also strongly believe in the benefit of private lessons and are able to help subsidize students’ lesson expenses. In addition, we offer scholarships for summer music camps and college music majors.
Tuition Scholarships
Need-based tuition scholarships are awarded to cover a portion of program cost (between 10% and 75%). Please include a letter of explanation. These letters can greatly help the committee with their decisions.
Sibling Scholarships
The Sarasota Orchestra understands that many families have more than one child in our program. To help off-set these expenses, we offer a reduced tuition rate to families with more than one student participating in the Youth Orchestra Program. Often these are 50% scholarships. For example, $330 for the first child, $165 for each additional child. You must request this scholarship on
the application.
FULL TUITION scholarships (excluding application fee) are awarded based on family need. To be considered for a full tuition scholarship, you must provide full income disclosure (IRS 1040 Form, page one, front and back) and an explanation of scholarship need. Full scholarships cannot be granted without this documentation.
Private Lesson Scholarships
These are awarded to Youth Orchestra participants to help defray a percentage of the cost of private lessons (38 lesson maximum Sept.-June).