Young Person's Concerts
Each year, a different program is developed and delivered to nearly 10,000 Manatee and Sarasota County fourth- and fifth-graders who are invited to a special event in the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. Teachers who want to prepare their students for the program can contact the Education Department for a curriculum packet 941-487-2731.
You Must Be Under 60” Tall to Ride
Welcome to the Sarasota Orchestra's Young Person's Concert. Oncoming riders please secure all loose items you are carrying with you, as you may experience unexpected highs and lows, sharp twists and turns. Sit facing forward in an upright position with your head, back, and shoulders against the seat, and hold on to your armrests until each ride comes to a full and complete stop. At that time you may feel moved to clap or cheer wildly. We welcome your excitement and want to feel what you’re feeling.
One warning: the rides you are about to embark on are not for the faint of heart. While moving, you may experience extraordinary emotions – weightlessness, a pounding in your chest, G-force flashes that seem to accelerate you downward one moment and upwards the next. Not to worry thrill-seekers, this is all part of the adventure.
Each year, a different program is developed and delivered to nearly 10,000 Manatee and Sarasota County fourth- and fifth-graders who are invited to a special event in the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. Teachers who want to prepare their students for the program can contact the Education Department for a curriculum packet (941) 487-2731.
The Orchestra is committed to educating youth about the joys of classical music both as active participants and as audience members. The Orchestra believes music is an essential and equal part of the total school curriculum and while our concerts cannot replace sequential arts education programs, they are designed to accentuate them. By tailoring a live concert for children, Sarasota Orchestra is helping schools meet and exceed the state and national standards in the Arts and deepen the work in the classroom. For additional information, contact Sarasota Orchestra Education Department at (941) 487-2731.
Thank you for your interest (and to the generous sponsors who make this possible) and enjoy the rides!